Now is the perfect time to pitch in and give back, and help keep Hudson Crossing Park beautiful. While in ordinary times HCP organizes group clean up days and work parties, with the “new normal” of social distancing we have compiled a list of ways individuals and families can help prepare park grounds for spring and summer.

Below you will find a list of locations and tools and that would be helpful for the list of tasks. Please note that you are welcome to do one or two items on the to-do list under each location - you don’t need to tackle them all! Please feel free to contact Park Director Kate Morse at with any questions, and thank you for being a part of the HCP Family!

1.     Eagle Point


Trash and recycle bags, gloves, rakes, tarp, clippers, shovels

a.     Walk along canalside path on Island Loop Trail collecting trash

b.     Rake and clip to clear overlooks along path

c.     Clear trash at Eagle Point

d.     Rake/clean out gardens at Eagle Point

e. Scrape and paint benches

2.     Play Garden

Trash and recycle bags, gloves, rakes, tarps, buckets, pansies, trowels, watering cans, clippers

a.     Rake all areas and clear trash. Compostable waste (leaves, branches, etc.) can be deposited in the wetland clearing by the pavilion.

b.     Compost: below welcome sign, iris/lily/hosta beds near welcome sign and from pavilion to northern steps to trail, butterfly gardens, wetland retaining wall bed, plantings along steps to canal trail, other planted areas. Compost can be found in the large yellow bag located in the parking lot.

c.     Remove fencing around arches

d.     Plant/tie up/weave new willow shoots in both arches.

e.     Rake and clear trash near swingset.

f.      Pull Bamboo (invasive species) along hillside by slide. *Please dispose of this NOT in compost but in trash bags to avoid further contamination.*

3.     Sensory TrailTrash and recycle bags, gloves, rakes, tarps, buckets

a.     Walk from Kayak Launch north to the Dix Bridge

b.     Pull Bamboo (invasive species) along hillside by kayak launch. *Please dispose of this NOT in compost but in trash bags to avoid further contamination.*

c.     Rake all areas and clear trash. Compostable waste (leaves, branches, etc.) can be deposited in the wild areas on the sides of the path.

4.     Dix BridgeTrash and recycle bags, gloves, rakes, tarp

a.     Rake  gardens on either side of the Dix Bridge entrance.

b.    Remove any litter from Dix Bridge area.

5.     Secret Garden

Trash and recycle bags, gloves, rakes, buckets, compost, shovels, trowels, watering cans

a.     Walk from Dix Bridge north to Secret Garden- clear path of debris, trash, etc. 

b.     Rake all areas.

6.     Landry Bridge of Boats Overlook

Trash and recycle bags, gloves, rakes, buckets, compost, shovels, pansies, trowels, watering cans

a.     Walk from Dix Bridge north to Landry Overlook

b.     Clear area of debris, trash, etc.

c.     Rake all areas

willow and wheelbarrow.JPG

7.     Stark’s Knob Pocket Park

Trash and recycle bags, gloves, rakes, buckets

a.     Clear trash from Stark’s Knob pocket park

b.     Rake all areas 

8.     Saratoga Pocket Park

Trash and recycle bags, gloves, rakes

a.     Clear trash from Stark’s Knob pocket park.

b.     Rake all areas.

9.     Parking Lot and Shed

Trash and recycle bags, gloves

a.     Collect trash from parking lot.

b.     Rake and clean up area beyond parking lot fence/next to shed.