Saratoga Falls Park
Saratoga Falls Park is located on Route 4N approximately one mile north of the entrance of Hudson Crossing Park.
Saratoga Falls Park now overlooks The Northumberland Dam, which was originally constructed in 1822 to control the flow of water in the Hudson River and the Champlain Canal. It was an important structure because it created a navigable pool of water in the Hudson where the canal crossed the river. It also provided waterpower to early saw mills and local industries that developed on both sides of the river. Prior to the construction of the Champlain Canal river travelers would encounter river rapids known as Saratoga Falls. The falls rocks are noted on the 1830 survey map pictured below.
Engineers took advantage of the landscape, as well as the abundant stone and timber resources of the region when they constructed a timber dam at the site of the Saratoga Falls in 1822. Under wet and dry conditions the wood decayed rapidly and there were several repairs done before a new dam was constructed in 1869. One section at a time, the old dam was removed and replaced with stone and heavy granite blocks.
When the Champlain Barge Canal was constructed in the early part of the 20th century, a sidecut was made, creating Lock 5 Island. The L-shape of the dam (shown below) helped maintain an even water level in the lock chamber, while allowing excess water to spill over the dam and continue down the natural course of the river. The stone pylons prevent boats from being caught in the current.
An 1830's canal survey map. The red line illustrates the towpath location.