The Telephone of the Wind
The original Telephone of Wind was created in December 2010 by Itaru Sasaki, a garden designer from Ōtsuchi, Japan, to enable him to "talk" to a beloved cousin who passed after a brief illness. According to Sasaki, the phone was not designed with any specific religious connotation, but rather as a way to reflect on his loss. Sasaki opened his garden and telephone to the public in the following year after the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami killed over 15,000 people in the Tōhoku region. Sasaki’s wind phone now receives more than 10,000 visitors each year and has inspired the construction of a number of replicas around the world, including Hudson Crossing Park’s Telephone of the Wind, which was designed and built by Girl Scout Troop 3232 as a way to give back to their community during the pandemic and subsequent lockdown.
Special thanks to all who have donated their time, energy, and materials to create this place, including the members of the Living Waters Church of God outreach group, Fish Creek Garden Center, Jody, Julie, Alan, Marlene, Darryl, Cindy, Louise, Girl Scout Troop 3232, Sarah DeLaCruz, Daisies and Daliahs Landscaping, and the HCP Community. Additional thanks to all who made donations to the Park in Mrs. Berkowitz's name. We hope that you will visit and feel her love of nature wherever you find yourself at the park.
If you cannot visit Hudson Crossing Park’s Telephone or would like to construct one in your community, we encourage you to visit