What harrowing rescue attempt took place on the Champlain Canal and Saratoga Falls? Which US President grew up listening to his father preach in Greenwich? What do Easton Quakers and feathers have to do with each other? And what 1878 Northumberland murder has been compared to the OJ Simpson Trial?
Join Hudson Crossing Park’s history expert Mike Bielkiewicz for this FREE presentation via Zoom. Mike will share stories of local folklore, history, and just a bit of historical gossip. In other words, the stories of our area that they don’t teach you in the history books!
This event is generously sponsored by Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor.
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Topic: Local Lore, History, and Heritage Zoom Meeting
Time: Jun 18, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88903843395
Meeting ID: 889 0384 3395
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