Meet the Pollinators
Pollinators are animals that move pollen from one flower to another. This allows the fertilization and reproduction of plants and many plants rely on pollinators for this process. Their populations are at risk due to loss of habitat and the use of harmful insecticides. Hudson Crossing Park is planting native plants to replicate their natural habitat and support these beneficial species. Look for these pollinators next time you visit the park and check out the list of native plants you can add to your own garden to support these species.
Monarch Butterfly (Justin Sullivan)
Spicebush Swallowtail butterfly (renee Zernitsky)
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly (Dave Taft)
Zebra Swallowtail butterfly (Donald w. Hall)
Black Swallowtail Butterfly (Sara Bright)
Spring azure butterfly (Tom halliwell)
Buckeye Butterfly (Jerry A. Payne)
queen Butterfly (Sara Bright)
Painted Lady Butterfly (Ryan moehring)
Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly (Aaron brees)
Karner Blue Butterfly (Bobby Griffiths)
Luna Moth (Suzy Lyttle)
Io moth (Donald W. Hall)
Polyphemus moth (Donald w. Hall)
Wooly bear Caterpillar moth (Andy reago and chrissy Mcclarren)
Bumble Bee (Cindy Pegg)
Honey bee (Paul Reeves)
Plasterer bee (ron hemberger
Carpenter Bee (Tom McC.)
Green metallic Sweat Bee (Jason m Crockwell)
Mason bee (Jack Dykinga)
Ground Nesting Bee (WHitney Cranshaw)