Have fun with Henry!
Henry loves nothing more than to have fun, and while he’s not out exploring the Play Garden or hoofing it along the trails, he’s learning about all the things that make HCP such a cool place! Check out the games and activities that keep Henry busy and play along!
Crossings Crossword
Why do we talk about the Crossings at HCP?
See how well you fare with the “Crossings Crossword”!
Go Ahead:
Henry Says to Color Outside of the Lines!
Use the sights of HCP inspire your creativity with these coloring sheets!
It’s for the birds!
See how many HCP birds you can find.
HCP is home to so many different kinds of birds! Can you find them all?
Spring Bingo!
Can you find 5 of these signs of spring in a row to get bingo?
Signs of spring are everywhere at HCP!